April/May Soap Sale – stock clearance

Thank you to all those that have taken advantage of our super low prices. Make the most of them, because when the stock has gone, there prices will return to normal. However, we shall, as soon as we have the system set up, be offering reduced rates to all those that are members.

So, what is the sale about?

I wrote about our rather abrupt departure from Amazon on the post labeled Goodbye Amazon – Hello Freedom.
I do not want to go one about how rubbish Amazon are, charging huge prices and then dumping companies after they have served their purpose.
As we used their fulfillment services, we need to sell this stock. If we do not, they will charge us exorbitant fees for shipping it back to our UK office.
So, the sale is going well, but there is still stock available. Only stock in the SALE category is available from the UK. All other stock is sent from Turkey at this time.
We are talking with other companies in the UK that can help with distribution to enable a more economical and fast distribution service, so please watch this space.
So, what are you waiting for, get shopping 🙂
